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Themes & Layouts

Customise your website and shop Changing your website and online shop's look and feel has many advantages. As your needs evolve and your business grows, additional functionality can be introduced to your customers to meet expectation and demand.

From the Design suite of navigation tabs within your Dashboard, you are provided with control over your Shopfront, the way in which pages present to customers, the size of product images, access to social media such as Twitter and Facebook, and more.

On this page

  1. Installing a new Theme
  2. Layouts: assigning alternate layouts to Pages
  3. Uploading a new logo

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Installing a new Theme

If additional design themes (templates) were made available during your website build, they will appear on the Theme page within the Design navigation group located at the top right hand side of your Dashboard , next to the Preferences tab.

From the Design page you have access to 6 further navigation tabs that provide control over how your website is presented to your customers, with a focus on your Shop's presentation, functionality and layout. It is recommended that you change themes only during a rebranding or major update exercise, which should only be necessary every 2-3 years.

If additional themes were provided during your website build, you can change your theme at any time.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Design
  2. Click on a theme preview image or Preview button to first evaluate the suitability of the proposed theme.
  3. Once satisfied with your selection, click Apply Theme.
  4. Before sending your website live to the Internet, preview it first. Go to Dashboard > Publish > Click the Preview button.
  5. Once the progress status bar is complete, you have the option of previewing specific pages by clicking the arrow located next to the page's Success message or by clicking the Done - preview website button 
  6. Once satisfied that the theme is suitable, publish your website live to the Internet by clicking the Publish button.

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Layouts: assigning alternate layouts to Pages

Page layout changes can be affected as a way of providing customers with "something new", or to experiment with different layouts and to monitor the success of each change. By closely monitoring your website statistics and customer feedback you can learn what works best for your store and your customers. 

  1. Go to Dashboard > Design > Layouts
  2. Using the  Active Layout drop-down menu for each page template, select a layout for that page 
  3. Once satisfied with your selection, click Save Layout Changes .
  4. Before sending your website live to the Internet, preview it first: Dashboard > Publish > Click the Preview button.
  5. Once the progress status bar is complete, you have the option of previewing specific pages by clicking the arrow located next to the page's Success message or by clicking the Done - preview website button.
  6. Once satisfied that the layout changes are suitable, publish your website live to the Internet by clicking the Publish button.

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Uploading a New logo

If you have a custom designed site, it's possible that your logo was embeded into the site's graphic design/theme. If this applies to your web site you will need to contact your web designer to replace your existing logo for you.

However, if your web site uses a pre-styled design template you are able to change your logo independently of a designer. To check if this applies to your web site, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Dashboard Design Logo
  2. If your logo can indeed be changed you will see it displayed on the screen.
  3. To upload a new logo, first Delete the current logo.
  4. Click the Choose file button before navigating your computer to locate your new logo.
  5. Click the Upload button.
  6. Go to Publish and publish your website for the new logo take effect.

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