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Help Customer Orders

Customer Orders

Tracking and managing the orders placed through your online shop is intuitive and straightforward. Your shop administration allows you to view all aspects of an order and manage the status of the order from when it is received to when it is shipped.

On this page

  1. Introduction
  2. Explanation of Orders Screen
  3. Viewing/Editing Individual Order Details
  4. Managing Individual Orders
  5. Printing a My Shop Order, Invoice or Packing Slip
  6. Exporting Orders to QuickBooks
  7. Exporting Orders to MYOB


  1. Can I export my orders to a .csv spreadsheet?

Screen illustrations

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Once a customer has successfully placed an order on your site, it will be listed under the Orders section of the Dashboard menu. From here you can view an order, update its payment and/or shipping status, and view special shipping or gift wrapping instructions from customers.

  • If set up within Preferences, Temando shipping aggregation tools can be accessed from Orders when viewing an individual customer order.
  1. Go to Dashboard > Orders
  2. By default, the screen will list all recent orders.
  3. To filter orders, click the calendar icon and select a view option from the resulting drop-down menu.

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Explanation of Orders screen:

Tip: Bank Information

If you accept credit cards in your store, and your bank offers ‘gateway status messages’ as a feature, all credit card status updates will be displayed automatically.

The Orders screen is broken down into columns as follows:

  • Checkbox: Selecting one or more checkboxes triggers Print Invoices and Print Packing Slips buttons to appear beneath the Filter by date search field.
  • #: The unique number assigned to the order.
  • Date: The date the order was placed.
  • Customer: Customer’s name as entered into the ‘Ship to’ fields by the customer.
  • Total: The total value of the order, including the base value of the products, GST, shipping and handling costs and discounts.
  • Order Status: The current status of the order. You can change the status of the order by selecting an option from the drop-down menu list. There are 8 status levels:
  • Unconfirmed: An order has been placed but information contained within the order is yet to be confirmed, e.g. incorrect/bogus customer information has been entered at time of purchase. 
  • Received: An order has been placed on the site and is ready to be processed. Manual payment types will show as Received. Approved online credit card payments will also show as received.
  • Pre-order: The items ordered are on pre-order.
  • Back-order: The items ordered are on back-order.
  • Being processed: The order is being filled.
  • Shipped: The order has been filled and the products have been sent to the customer. Selecting this option will result in a ‘shipped email' being sent to the customer if you have set that in My Shop order preferences (see related article Adding/editing shop order and email notification preferences).
  • Cancelled: The order was terminated before it was completed.
  • Fraudulent: The order was not genuine and was not completed.
  • Payment Status: You can manually change the status by selecting one of the 10 available options from the drop-down menu list.]
  • Orders flagged as Back-Order, Cancelled Received or Shipped appear automatically across the 5 large navigation tabs on the Orders page.
  • If you accept credit cards in your store, and your bank offers ‘gateway status messages’ as a feature, all credit card status updates will be displayed automatically.

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Viewing/Editing Orders

Once an order has been placed by a customer, a copy of all the order details are saved in My Shop. You can view and edit order details as well as track correspondence with the customer in a notes section.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Orders
  2. To view a customer order, click the corresponding order-number link listed within the 2nd column, or click the Cog button located in the right-most column, and select View Order from the drop-down menu list. 
    • Alternatively, filter orders by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a view option from the resulting drop-down menu list.

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Managing Individual Orders

Each customer order features 5 navigation tabs. Any changes made to the status of an order are automatically updated.

Order Details (default screen)

The Order Details tab displays all the information required to fulfill and manage a customer order. Regions on an Order Details screen include:

  • Bill to: The customer's billing information
  • Ship to: The customer's shipping address (Map hyperlink to view the customer’s address via Google Maps™)
  • Payment: The payment method selected by the customer at checkout, together with the payment status.
  • Fulfillment: The shipping status of the order.

Activity Log

All updates to an order are recorded on this screen and broken down by Date and Time, description of the Activity such as payment status change, etc. and the website administrative User who made the update.

Payment Attempts

This page records all bank payment-gateway activity. Payments other than credit card are not displayed.

Temando Fulfillment

This tab will display only if Temando Fulfillment has been activated via Dashboard > Preferences > Fulfillment Services.


Use the Notes page to add ‘back office’ notes relevant to the order. Notes are for your information only and are not displayed to customers.

Customer Notifications

Email a customer to notify them of an order status update. Subject field is automatically populated with order number.

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Printing a My Shop Order, Tax Invoice or Packing Slip

Invoices and packing slips can be printed from the Orders screen by clicking the Cog button located in the right-most column on each order line.

Alternatively, you can print invoices or packing slips from within an individual order.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Orders
  2. To view a customer order, click the corresponding order-number link listed within the 2nd column, or click the Cog button located in the right-most column, and select View Order from the drop-down menu list. 
    • Alternatively, filter orders by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a view option from the resulting drop-down menu list. 
  3. Click on one of the following print options:
  • Print Invoice: Print an invoice to send to the customer with all of the relevant details, including name, address, price and GST.
  • Print Packing Slip: Print the customer name and address details onto a packing slip to be attached to the product. 

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Exporting Orders to QuickBooks

After an order is placed on your website, it is saved to the My Shop database. You can export all of the orders made on your site to a file that can be imported by QuickBooks (accounts management software).

  1. Choose Orders > Export Orders navigation tab 
  2. Click Download ALL orders in QuickBooks format.
  3. Save the file to your computer.

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Exporting Orders to MYOB

After an order is placed on your website, it is saved to the My Shop database.  You can export all of the completed made on your site to a file that can be imported by MYOB (accounts management software).

Only completed orders (with a status of Pre-order, Back-order, Being Processed or Shipped) are included in the order export.

  1. Choose Orders > Export Orders navigation tab.
  2. Click Download ALL orders in MYOB format.
  3. Use one of the below methods to find the orders you need to export:
  • View most recent orders:  Click the Go button next to View most recent orders.
  • View individual order number: Enter the unique order number and click the Go button to find a specific order.
  • View orders by number range: Enter two order numbers to search between and click the Go button.
  • View orders by date range: Select a start date and an end date from the two calendars and click the Go button to search for orders placed between those days.
  • Save the zip file to your computer.
  • Follow instructions contained in the zip file on how to import the exported orders into MYOB.

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Can I export my orders to a .csv spreadsheet?

Yes, you can export customer orders in CSV format.

  1. Choose  Orders  Export Orders  navigation tab.
  2. Click the text link Download orders in CSV format.

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