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Page Structure

Pages are the lifeblood of your website and can be as simple or as complex as you need, featuring images, text, video or dynamic content such as image galleries, shop products and more.

This section explains the different types of pages that are available, and how they display within your web site's navigation and overall page structure.

On this page

  1. The Main Menu
  2. Add a New Page to Main Menu
  3. Add a Form to to Main Menu
  4. Add a Link to Main Menu
  5. Add a Sub-Menu to any Menu item
  6. Unattached Pages
  7. Insert Unattached Page into Main Menu
  8. Change order of Pages within Main Menu
  9. Remove a Page from Main Menu
  10. Delete a Page from Website


  1. Can I delete the 'Thank you' page?
  2. How can I change which email address my website enquiry form goes to?

Screen illustrations

Clicking this icon will display an illustration relevant to the step being described:  Click this icon to view illustrations


The Main Menu

The Main Menu contains Pages, Links or Forms that appear in the main navigation menu on your website. 

Beneath your Home page you will see the names of any other existing pages/links in the navigation menu. Note that they appear in the exact same order at the front of your website as they do in the Main Menu. You can change the order of the items in the navigation bar at any time.

Beside each menu item title is an icon that indicates the page or link type. The icons are:

Page icon visible within your Dashboard's Main Menu in Pages

Page: Indicates a content page to which you can add images, video, text or any dynamic content.

Page link icon that indicates a hyperlink within your Main Menu

Link: Indicates a menu item that links to an existing page or external website.

The Form Icon displays when a Main Menu item links to a user input form

Form: Indicates a form that users can complete and submit, e.g. enquiry or contact form. 

The cart page icon displays when a Main menu item links to a shop product or product category

Shop: Indicates a link to a shop product, product category or your shopfront home page.

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Add a New Page to the Main Menu

Add a new content page to your website’s Main Menu navigation bar.

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit
  2. Select the Add a Page button
  3. Select Add a new page and click Continue 
  4. Enter a Page Title: This will appear in the title bar of a visitor's web browser and helps search engines to better classify, index and rank your web pages.
  5. Enter a Menu Label:   his will appear in the navigation menu of your website. It should be short and succinct.
  6. Add your content into the content editor.
  7. Select Save & Exit
  8. Your new page will now appear as the last item in the Main Menu view.
  9. To reposition a page within the navigation menu structure, click a page’s corresponding Cog button and select Move Up or Move Down from the menu list.
  10. Publish the website to affect changes.

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Add a Form Page to the Main Menu

About 'Thank You' pages

A ‘Thank You’ page is a means of thanking your visitors for taking time to submit an enquiry. These pages can be as simple or as complex as you wish but consider using these pages to place links to special information or PDF booklets; promotion discount codes or similar offers, and so on. Thank you pages should be created within Unattached Pages.

User-input forms provide visitors with a means of contacting you without leaving your website. Forms are most commonly used by visitors to request information, make initial contact or to provide feedback. The submitted enquiry is e-mailed to the e-mail address provided in the Email Recipient field.

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages
  2. Click the Add a Page button (or Add Sub-menu option via a corresponding page’s Cog button) and select Add a new form from the Add a Page pop-up window.
  3. Enter the Page Title:  This will appear in the title bar or navigation tab of a web browser.
  4. Enter a Menu Label:  Given that the form appears in the Main Menu , this will appear in the navigation menu of your website. The menu label should be short and snappy, i.e. ‘Contact Us' or ‘Send Enquiry'.
  5. Choose an appropriate Type of Form from the dropdown menu.
  6. Enter the Destination Page:  This is the page to which visitors will be redirected after they have submitted the form (often referred to as a ‘Thank you’ page, see next page).
  7. N.B. the ‘thank you’ page URL must adhere to this format:
  8. Email Recipient:  The email address to which the user’s form will be sent once submitted, i.e.
  9. Make Protected?:  Select from the dropdown menu list whether you want the form to be available to all users ( no ) or protected and available to logged-in users only ( Yes - users must login to view this form ).
  10. Available Forms

    • Feedbackshort: This form requires the visitors name and email address and allows them to write a subject line and a message.
    • Feedback: Use this form to collect more demographic information than the ‘feedbackshort’ form.
    • Enquiry: A more substantial form requiring the same demographic information per the ‘Feedback’ form, plus an enquiry text-input field.

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Add a link to the Main Menu

You can add links to the Main Menu navigation of your website. Links can be internal to other pages within your own website or external web pages such as affiliates, etc.

Adding a link to the navigation menu:

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages
  2. Click the Add a Page button (or Add Sub-menu option via a corresponding page’s Cog button), then select Add a new link from the Add a Page pop-up window.  
  3. Menu Label:  Enter a name for the link that will appear in the navigation menu of your website. The label should be short and succinct so that users know what to expect (especially true if users are directed to an external website).
  4. Link Address:  Enter the URL, complete with the http:// prefix.
  5. Target:  Select either of the two options:
    • Open link in the same window : Select this option when linking to an internal page (a page on your own website). The page will open in the same browser window.
    • Open link in new window:  Select this option to link to an external website. The page will open in a different browser window or tab.
  6. Select Save New Link.  
  7. The link will now appear within the Main Menu.
  8. Click the page’s corresponding Cog button and select Move Up / Move Down option to re-organise the page in your website’s navigation menu.
  9. Publish the website to affect the changes.

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Add a Sub-Menu to any Menu Item

Page hierarchy is important for both visitors and search engines. Sub-menus allow you to better organise large volumes of content so that visitors can quickly navigate to the key areas of information they require.

    1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages
    2. Decide which page you wish to add a sub-menu item to.
    3. Click the page’s corresponding Cog button 
    4. Select Add a new page and click the Continue button.
    5. Enter a Page Title:  This will appear in the title bar of visitors’ web browsers and helps search engines to better classify, index and rank your web pages.
    6. Enter a Menu Label:  This will appear in the navigation menu of your website. It should be short and succinct.
    7. Add your content into the content editor.
    8. Select Save & Exit
    9. Your new page will appear as the last item in the sub menu. Choose the Move / Delete Pages tab to change the order of sub items in the menu bar.
    10. Publish the site.

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Unattached Pages

Unattached pages are pages that do not appear in your website’s main navigation menu such as a Form item’s ‘thank you’ page. Unattached pages are also ideal for “work-in-progress”, and enable you to work on the content of a page without the page being accessible to your website visitors. When you are happy with the content, the page can then be inserted into the Main Menu at any time.

When you remove a page from the Main Menu (via the Remove Page option inside the cog button) it becomes an Unattached Page . This is a great way to edit out-of-date content without completely deleting a page and starting from the beginning. 

To create an unattached page:

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages.
  2. Click on the Add a page button located beneath the Unattached Pages menu 
  3. Select Add a new page and click the Continue button.
  4. Enter a Page Title : This will appear in the title bar of visitors’ web browsers and helps search engines to better classify, index and rank your web pages.
  5. Enter a Menu Label : This will appear in the navigation menu of your website if and when the page is added to the Main Menu navigation . The label should be short and succinct.
  6. Add your content into the content editor.
  7. Select Save & Exit.
  8. Your new page will now appear in alphabetical order within the Unattached Pages view.

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Insert an Unattached Page into the Main Menu

You can move a page from Unattached Pages to the Main Menu at any time.

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages
  2. Identify the position within the Main Menu that you would like to insert the Unattached Page, then click the item’s corresponding Cog button.
  3. Select Insert Page; the Insert Page pop-up window appears 
  4. Select a page from the Select Unattached Page drop-down menu (this list contains only unattached pages).
  5. From the Where to insert page? drop-down list, select where you would like the page to appear within the Main Menu.
  6. Click the Insert Page button.
  7. Publish the website.

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Changing the order of Pages within the Main Menu

Occasionally you may find that you need to change the order in which pages appear within your website navigation menu. This is especially the case after adding a new page, as all new pages are automatically added to the end of the navigation structure.

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit  Pages.
  2. Click the corresponding Cog button for the page that you wish to reposition.
  3. From the menu, select either Move Up or Move Down and repeat if necessary until the page is positioned as required
    1. Note how sub-menu items include a Swap with Parent option. Clicking this option allows a sub-menu item to be swapped with its immediate parent item 
  4. Publish the website.

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Removing a Page from the Main Menu

Move a page from the Main Menu to  Unattached Pages when you want information to be unavailable for a period of time. If and when the content becomes current again you can insert the page back into the Main Menu .  

If you are unsure whether to delete a page, choose Remove page from website menu . This will move the page from the main menu to Unattached Pages .

Once a page has been deleted, you can not recover the page. The page and all of its content is permanently deleted.

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit pages.
  2. Click the Remove button. A Remove Page pop-up window will appear.
  3. Select Remove page from website menu and click the Remove button. The page will now appear under Unattached Pages.
  4. Publish the website.

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Deleting a Page from Your Website 

If you are unsure whether to delete a page, choose remove page from website menu . This will move the page from the main menu to unattached pages.

Once a page has been deleted, you can not recover the page. The page and all of its content is permanently deleted.

  1. Go to Pages > Add/Edit pages.
  2. Click the Remove button.
  3. Select Delete page entirely and click the Remove button. The page will now be permanently deleted from your website.
  4. Publish the website.

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What is the "Thank You" page? Can I delete it?

The  Thankyou  page appears in a visitor's web browser after they submit a form on your website. The thank you page is important because it informs your visitor that the form has submitted successfully and that you have received their feedback/comments. You can edit the content of the "Thank You" page at any time by clicking on the page from Unattached Pages . You can safely delete the page if you do not have a form on your website.

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How can I change which email address my website enquiry form goes to?

To alter the recipient address of your form:

  1. Go to  Pages  >  Add / Edit Pages
  2. Select your form from the Main Menu (it will have a small red pencil icon next to the name).
  3. In the field marked  Recipient Email , enter the e-mail address that you would like all submitted forms to be sent to.
  4. Click the  Save  button.  Publish  your website.

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