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Product Inventory

Customise Tax and Product Price Information

This section allows you to customise your shop’s product preferences such as currency, tax rates, discounting methods, product information labels and tags, and more.

On this page

  1. General Inventory
  2. Taxation
  3. Multiple Product Pricing
  4. Add More Product Options


General Inventory

The Product Inventory preferences enable you to create default settings for a wide variety of shop options. Each field is explained below:

  1. Go to Preferences > Product Inventory navigation tab.
  • Default currency symbol:  Set the default currency symbol that will appear before the price of each item.
  • Apply global discount:  Enter a number in this field to discount every price in your shop by that percentage. For example placing a 5 in the field will reduce the price of an item worth $50.00 to $47.50.  This feature is great when having a sale on all items in your inventory.
  • Show products from all subcategories: Elect to show products contained within product sub-categories at the respective main product categories page.
  • No. of products to display in my shop admin:  This allows you to set the number of products that appear in the product list of the shop administration page where you maintain your shop. For ease of use set this to a high numerical value.
  • Show 'out of stock' items:  Select No to hide products from the shop when their status is changed to out of stock. As soon as their status is updated to available , the product will reappear in the shop.
  • Show 'backorder' items:  Select No to hide products from the shop when their product status is listed as backorder. When the product status is updated to available they will reappear in the category.
  • Show 'pre-order' items:  Select No to hide products from the shop when their product status is listed as pre-order. When the product status is updated to available they will reappear in the category.
  • Date format for product CSV import and export: When you generate a CSV data file from your shop, its filename includes its creation date. Set your preferred date display preference from the available drop-down menu list.
  • After customer adds to cart: Control what the customer will see after adding a product to their cart. There are two options:
    • Display cart contents:  The customer will be taken to their shopping cart. From there they can elect to check out (proceed to payment screen), or continue shopping.
    • Return to product details:  The customer will remain on the product details screen. From there they can continue to browse through the shop, or click on a link to checkout.

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  • Tax label: Enter a suitable tax label, e.g. “GST” or “VAT”, etc.
  • GST applies to: Select from the 4 options that apply to your country.
  • Prices include GST:  Specify whether or not product prices include GST. If this option is set to No , then GST will be calculated automatically at the checkout. If this option is set to Yes,  no additional GST will be applied at the end of the order process.
  • GST rate:  Enter in the tax rate as a numerical value. This will be applied to product prices as well as shipping and handling prices.

Multiple Product Pricing

If Multiple Pricing has been activated for your shop, it allows you to set multiple pricing for each product, e.g. retail, wholesale, members, resellers, etc. After setting the default labels below, you will then see these fields available when editing your product inventory in My Shop .

  • Primary price label 1: Overwrites the Default currency symbol . Leave blank to enable.
  • Price label 2, 3, 4..: Enter suitable price labels such as “Wholesale Price Break 1”, “Wholesale Price Break 2” and so on.

Add More Product Options

Make further customisations to your shop by introducing additional text fields that provide further information about your products. These fields can be used to display manufacturer names, model groups, makes, models, etc.

  1. Click the Save Preferences button.

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