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Orders & Email Notifications

You provide the best customer service this side of the equator!

A very high standard has been set with online shopping, and the most successful businesses are the ones that offer awesome customer service.

Email notifications are a great way to keep your customers informed on the progress of their order, and greatly contribute to your online credibility. Take the time to create thoughtful messages, and set a tone that’s right for you.

On this page

  1. Orders
  2. Email Customer Notifications
  3. Gift Wrapping
  4. Allowed Countries


Tip: Check country of origin

Remember that you will need to double-check your customer’s country of origin in the Orders area of your Dashboard. Your website CMS can only apply this country rule based on a customer’s IP address. Some visitors may mask their IP address to prevent it from being recognised as belonging to an individual country.

Set the base preferences for all customers orders:

  1. Go to Preferences > Orders & Email Notifications
  • Email for orders: Enter a valid email address that orders will be sent from.
  • Enter starting order number: Enter a numerical value that will dictate the number from which orders will begin. For the purpose of your order database, this value must be greater than 10005.

Email Customer Notifications

You can create email messages that will update customers on the status of their order. Consider a personalised message that sets the tone of your customer service.

  • Send automatic email confirmation after customer makes an order?: Select Yes to auto-send your email message as soon as a customer places their order.
  • Email message: Create a suitable message thanking the customer for placing an order. You may like to include your contact details to reassure customers, that in the event of a problem, they can contact you. Additional information such order processing time may also be beneficial. See Chapter 2 The Content Editor  for information on using the Content Editor effectively.
  • Notify customer of shipment via email?: Select Yes to auto-send your email message once a customer’s order has been shipped.
  • Email message: Enter a similar message that notifies your customer that their order has been shipped.

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Gift Wrapping

You can also add Gift Wrapping options and specify which countries you wish to accept orders from.

  • Provide Gift Wrapping: Select Yes to add gift wrapping as an option for your products.
  • Allow personal message: Select Yes to allow customers to attach personal messages to products that they purchase from your shop.
  • Gift Wrapping Prices: If you have elected to enable gift wrapping use these fields to create different pricing options for the wrapping. To add an option, type a name into the Option name field, e.g. “A Red Ribbon & Wrapping” and then enter a numerical value Cost for that option, without a currency symbol.

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Allowed Countries

Holding the Ctrl or Cmd key down and clicking multiple countries will allow for multiple country selection.

  • Accept orders from: Select the checkbox to ship to all countries, otherwise select from the available drop-down menu list.

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