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Email Manager

If you subscribe to an email service through us you will have access to your email accounts from the Modules » Email menu link from within your website Dashboard.

From within this module you can add new email accounts, manage SPAM settings, change passwords, create email forwarding, and more.

On this page

  1. Change Email Account Password
  2. Create New Email Account
  3. Manage SPAM settings
  4. Manage Email Forwarding
  5. Manage Vacation Auto-Responders


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About Email Accounts

The default screen when entering the Email module, is a list of all active email accounts (when we refer to an “account” we refer to an email “address” such as 

From here you can change the password for each account and edit the settings of each email account.

Change Password for an Email Account

Tip: Passwords

Never choose a password such as “password1”, “password123”, etc. Passwords such as these are easily guessed and leave your account open to unauthorised access.

Regularly changing the password of all email accounts is good practice and minimises the possibility of outside sources gaining access to your account. We recommend that an account password is changed at least every 6-12 months.

To change an account password:

  1. Go to Modules > Email
  2. Click Change Password 
  3. Within the New Password field type a new password that adheres to these protocols:
  • It is at least 8 characters and has at least 4 different characters in it
  • It contains at least one number or symbol
  • It does not contain numbers only
  • It is not based on your username, or email address

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Create a New Email Account

You can create as many email accounts as you choose, up to the maximum limit set by your subscription plan. To create a new email account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Modules > Email .
  2. Click the Create Account navigation tab.

General Account Settings

Complete each field as follows:

  • Email Account: Enter a name for your new account, e.g. sales, info, john, sally, etc. Use only lowercase letters, numbers and the following symbols (period, dash and underscore). Spaces are not permitted in email addresses.
  • Password: Create a password for the account. See the previous section Change Password for an email account for guidelines on creating a secure password.

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SPAM Management

Wikipedia defines SPAM as “..the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately”.

Completely eliminating unsolicited email is extremely difficult but you can minimise the volume by choosing one of the 3 following filtering options:

  1. Go to  Modules Email.
  2. Click the Create Account navigation tab.
  1. Option 1: Mark -  Delivers email detected as SPAM to your inbox as normal but with the subject line altered by inserting ***SPAM***. This will also set a header, 'X-Spam-Status', to 'yes' or 'no' and this can then be used to filter email within your email software by deleting or moving SPAM to a junk folder for later review. We recommend that you select this option initially to check whether any legitimate emails sent to you are incorrectly marked as SPAM (known as “false positives”). You can change these settings to delete at any time.
  2. Option 2: Delete -  Deletes all email detected as SPAM so that it will not appear in your mailbox. Once these emails are deleted they cannot be recovered. By selecting this option you agree to authorise the deletion of all emails detected as SPAM. Use this setting with caution.
  3. Option 3: Quarantine -  This option will quarantine all emails detected as SPAM. These emails will be moved to a folder inside your mailbox named 'Quarantine'. You can then review these messages for a period of 30-days by loggin in to your webmail and checking within the ‘Quarantine’ folder of your account. Messages will be deleted from the Quarantine folder automatically 30-days after receipt and all such deleted emails cannot be recovered. By selecting this option you agree to authorise SiteSuite to move emails marked as SPAM by our mail servers to the ‘Quarantine’ folder and to then delete emails from the ‘Quarantine’ folder 30-days after they were received.

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Email Forwarding

Forwarding email is sometimes used when an email account is retired or enters a period where it is not regularly monitored (e.g. staff leaving or going on extended leave). You can forward an email account to multiple email addresses if necessary.

Complete each field as follows:

  • Forwards: Enter an email address to which you wish to forward email from the selected account (as indicated within the Email Account field under General Account Settings). Enter multiple forwarding email addresses separated by a comma.
  • Keep a copy of forwarded email: Select yes if the forwarding is temporary; select no if the forward is more permanent.

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As the name suggests, this allows the email account to automatically reply with a message if the account owner is unlikely to check email during a vacation period. The account owner will still receive email to their account; this function merely send an auto-responder each time an email is sent to the account.

Complete each field as follows:

  • Enable Auto-response: Select yes to activate the auto-responder.
  • Subject: Compose a subject line that recipients will see from the auto-response email.
  • Message: Compose a short message announcing that the recipient’s email has been received but will be attended to when the account owner’s vacation period ends. The message can be as simple or as complex as you choose.
  1. Select the Save Changes button when you have finished completing the fields as required. Your new email account is now ready to use.

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