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Help Managing Hyperlinks

Managing Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are valuable tools for directing visitors around your website, and to external web pages. There are three basic types of link; internal, external and anchor links.

  • Internal links connect to other pages within your website.
  • External links connect to other websites, such as sites owned by your affiliates or associates.
  • Anchor links help visitors move from one section of your web page to another section of the same page. The most common anchor links are ‘Back to Top’ links.

On this page

  1. Linking to an Internal Content Page or Shop Product / Category
  2. Linking to an External Website or Page
  3. Creating Anchor Links
  4. Link to Files for visitor download
  5. Using JavaScript pop-up links


  1. How do I upload files or documents to my website?

Screen illustrations

When you see this icon, clicking it will display an illustration relevant to the step described:   Click this icon to view illustrations


Linking to an Internal Content Page or Shop Product / Category

Tip: Learning SEO techniques

Observe SEO good practice by tagging section headings in correct order. Always ensure that you have the topmost heading tagged as Heading 1 , followed by that section’s paragraph text. The next section heading should be tagged as Heading 2 , and so on.

Good websites have many internal links to help visitors find key content. Internal links are also a great way to move visitors toward your website goals, e.g. if a goal of your website is to receive online enquiries, link to the ‘Contact Us’ page often.

To create an internal link:

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages
  2. Navigate to the page you wish to create the hyperlink from.
  3. In the Content Editor highlight the word that you want visitors to click on to open the link.
  4. Click the Insert / Edit Link button in the WYSIWYG Toolbar. An editing pop up window will appear.
  5. Click the drop-down menu Page List. This will display a list of all pages on your website. Click select the required page name. Alternatively:
    • To link to products or categories in your shop, choose from the drop-down menu of Categories or Products instead.
  6. Select a suitable Target from the drop-down menu.
    • The term “Target” is synonymous with Internet browser windows. When this option is left at default, your link will open in the same browser window as your website.
  7. Click the Insert button. The link text will change colour to show that it has become a link. The link will not function within the content editor, you will need to first publish the website.
  8. Save & Exit the page.
  9. Publish the website to affect changes.

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Linking to an External Website or Page

An external link transports users from a page on your website to another website. External Link addresses can be associated with words within your content so that visitors can click a word or sentence (even an image) before being redirected to the external website. 

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages
  2. Navigate to the page you wish to create or edit.
  3. In the Content Editor highlight the word or sentence that you want visitors to click on to open the external link.
  4. Click the Insert/Edit Link icon on the WYSIWYG Toolbar. The pop up insert/edit link window will now appear 
  5. In the Link URL text input field, type the full web address of the site you want to link to, beginning with the prefix http:// so that you finish with
  6. From the Target drop-down menu, select Open in new window (_blank). This will make the external web page appear in a separate browser window. When a visitor closes the linked site, your website will still be open in the background.
  7. Click the Insert button.
  8. Save & Exit the page.
  9. Publish the website to affect changes.

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Creating Anchor Links

Anchor links (sometimes referred to as “bookmarks”) allow visitors to jump from one page section to another by clicking hyperlinks. Perfect for navigating pages with high volumes of content.

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages
  2. Navigate to the page you wish to create or edit.
  3. Anchor names will be created first. Click the Insert/Edit Anchor icon on the WYSIWYG Toolbar. The pop up Insert/edit Anchor window will appear 
  4. Create an anchor name without spaces. It must be a unique anchor name on this page, for no two anchors can be named the same. Click Insert. An anchor is inserted, displaying as a tiny anchor icon.
  5. Now that you have the anchor, you now add the hyperlink used to reach the anchor. Highlight a word, sentence or image and click the Insert/Edit Link icon on the WYSIWYG Toolbar. The Insert/Edit Link pop up window will appear.
  6. Click on the Anchors drop-down menu and select the desired anchor name and click the Insert button.
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to create the required number of  anchors and hyperlinks.
  8. Save & Exit the page.
  9. Publish the website to affect changes.

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Link to Files for visitor download

You can provide your visitors with links to download documents such as spreadsheets, PDFs and media files, and allow visitors to save or view the downloaded file via their computer or mobile device. The default upload limit per file is 200Kb. Only upload files that are small in file size (PDFs are the perfect file format for distributing most documents).

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages.
  2. Navigate to the page you wish to create or edit.
  3. In the Content Editor place your cursor where you would like the file link to appear.
  4. Click on the Link to a File icon on the WYSIWYG Toolbar. The pop-up File Manager window will appear. A dialogue box listing all of the documents stored in your File Manager is displayed.
  5. Click on the desired file. 
    If it hasn’t been uploaded to the website yet, you can upload the file via the Choose File button before clicking the green upload icon. Depending on the file size and your Internet connection this will take anywhere from a few seconds to minutes. Once uploaded, your file will appear in the File Manager window.
  6. Enter a brief Caption for the file (you can completely override the file name’s file-type extension if you wish). This should be a short name such as 'Download the product specifications' or 'Download the 2013 Annual Report'.
  7. From the drop-down menu Window, select Open file in a new window.
  8. Tick Include file type icon and Include file size. These options insert a file type icon to the left of your caption and the file size to the right of your caption. This creates user-friendly content by giving visitors a visual idea of what the link will do. It also warns them of the download size and saves visitors from being disgruntled if the file size is too large.
  9. Click the Insert button. The link will not work within the Content Editor, you need to publish the site to test it.
  10. Save & Exit the page.
  11. Publish the website to affect changes.

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Inserting JavaScript pop-up links (advanced users)

Tip: Pop-Up Windows

Use pop-up windows with care as too many become annoying for your users.

Avoid placing important content in pop-up windows as some visitors will have their browsers set to block “pop-ups”.

If you want to use pop-up windows to achieve a photo gallery effect, use the  Photo Gallery  module instead (it is much quicker and much easier to use).

In the Content Editor , the ‘pop-up’ function of the Insert/edit links icon on the WYSIWYG Toolbar enables you to create new windows that appear in front of your website window at a specified size. Within these pop-up windows you can call web content, images, video, just about anything that you deem of value to your web visitors.

To create a JavaScript-controlled pop-up window:

  1. Go to Pages > Add / Edit Pages.
  2. Navigate to the page you wish to create or edit.
  3. Click on the page where you would like a link to appear.
  4. In the Content Editor,  highlight the text or image that you want visitors to click on.
  5. Click on the Insert/Edit Link icon on the WYSIWYG Toolbar.
  6. Select the Popup navigation tab 
  7. Place a tick in the JavaScript popup box.
  8. In the Popup URL field, enter the web address of the object (image/website) you wish to link to. If you are linking to an image in your Image Manager,  you simply need to type: “/images/name_of_image.jpg”.
  9. Enter a Window name. The Window name will appear in the bar at the top of your visitor’s pop-up window. Do not enter spaces.
  10. Enter the Size dimensions of the pop-up window in pixels.  If you are using the JavaScript pop-up link to open an image, set the size to slightly larger dimensions than the image.
  11. Set the Position for where the pop-up will appear in the screen. Setting this at ‘c /c’ will make the new window appear in the centre of the screen.
  12. Options:  Using the tick boxes, you can set options for the parameters of the pop-up window:
    • Show Location Bar: Tick this box to display the URL of the link in an address bar at the top of the pop-up window.
    • Show Scroll Bars: If the image/link destination is larger that the size specified in Step 8, scroll bars will appear to enable the visitor scroll around the pop-up window.
    • Show Menu Bar: Tick this box to display the standard ‘File, Edit, View’ toolbars at the top of the pop-up window.
    • Make Window Resizable:  Tick this box to enable visitors to resize the pop-up window on their screen.
    • Show Toolbars:  Tick this box to display the standard ‘Back, Forward, Refresh’ browser buttons at the top of the pop-up window.
    • Dependant (Mozilla, Firefox only): Tick this box to chain the pop-up window to the parent window (the page that contains the link to the pop-up window).  If the parent window is closed or unloaded, the child window will also close.  This can prevent the visitor from having a lot of pop-up windows left open on their desktop. The resulting script will only work in Mozilla Firefox
    • Show Status Bar: Tick this box to display the status bar at the bottom of the pop-up window.
    • Insert ‘return false’: You must retain the tick in this box to enable the JavaScript pop-up.
  13. Once you have selected all of your options, click the Update button to add the link to your page. Remember that links only become active on the published site.
  14. Save & Exit the page.
  15. Publish the website to affect changes.

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How do I upload files or documents to my website?

Adding a downloadable document is a two step process. The first step is to upload the file or document to your website, the second is to create a link on a page that visitors can click on to download the file. Refer to the section Link to files for visitor downloads.

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