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Image Galleries

The Photo Gallery module enables you to create online image galleries. All you need to do is upload images and add text and descriptions to them. Once you have done this, the Photo Gallery automatically resizes them for a variety of display options.

Typically, the images that you upload are automatically scaled down to a ‘thumbnail' (a smaller version of the image that works as a preview). When a visitor clicks on a thumbnail, the full-sized image is displayed. Each gallery can appear as a separate web page in your website navigation (this does not contribute to your page count) or a gallery feed can be inserted onto an existing page using the content editor.

On this page

  1. Creating a new Photo Gallery
  2. Adding images to a Photo Gallery
  3. Adding/editing Photo Gallery Image Descriptions
  4. Adding a Photo Gallery Feed to a Content Page


  1. Can I preview the photo gallery page?


Screen illustrations

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Creating a new Photo Gallery

Tip: Standardise your images

The most professional looking galleries use standard image sizes for portrait and landscape images. Decide on a set of dimensions and edit your images to these dimensions to give your gallery consistency. Ultimately this leads to a more professional looking website.

The photo gallery module enables you to create image galleries before placing a gallery (or galleries) on any web page. All you need to do is upload images (and add an optional description to them). Once you have done this, the Photo Gallery module automatically resizes images for a variety of display options.

  1. Choose Modules > Photo Gallery
  2. Click the Add a Gallery navigation tab. Enter a name for your new gallery. It must not contain spaces; use underscores instead (e.g. flower_arrangements).
  3. Click Save.

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Adding images to a Photo Gallery

Once you have created a gallery you must now add images to each new gallery.

  1. Choose Modules > Photo Gallery.
  2. Click the Manage Images button next to the gallery you wish to add images to. 
  3. Select up to 10 image files to upload by clicking the Choose File button, then searching your computer for a relevant image. Repeat this process for every new image you wish to add to this gallery.
  4. Once your chosen images are successfully uploaded they will appear listed at the bottom of the page. A small thumbnail and file name for each image will appear.

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Adding/editing Photo Gallery Image Descriptions

Tip: Naming Galleries

Work efficiently by creating a name for your gallery that reflects the images that it contains. The name ‘flower_arrangements' is a much better name than ‘gallery_1'. This will help you to manage your galleries as you slowly build them up over time.

Once you have uploaded images into your photo gallery you can add descriptions to each image. This is recommended because search engines use this information to index images on your website.

  1. Choose Modules > Photo Gallery
  2. Click the Manage Images button next to the gallery you wish to add descriptions to. 
  3. Click the Manage Image Descriptions tab (or button towards the bottom of the page).
  4. Add descriptions to each image 
  5. Click Save Descriptions when finished. 
  6. Publish your website.

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Adding a Photo Gallery Feed to a Content Page

The Photo Gallery module enables you to create stunning image galleries on any web page. Once you have created and uploaded images into a photo gallery you can add a gallery feed to any web page.

There are currently 5 styles of image gallery displays you can choose from: Carousel, Colour Box, Slideshow, Thick Box and Random Image.

  1. Choose Pages > Add / Edit Pages then choose a page from your Main Menu or Unattached Pages .
  2. From within the page’s Content Editor, place your mouse cursor at the position you wish to insert the image gallery.
  3. Click on the Insert Module Content tool on the WYSIWYG Toolbar. The Module Manager pop-up window will appear 
  4. Select Gallery from the Current drop-down menu list.
  5. Select a Gallery style from the drop-down menu list.
  6. Click Preview to preview display the gallery content before it is inserted. Click OK. A bounding box will appear on your page.
  7. Click Save & Exit or Preview to view the page. 
  8. Publish the website to affect changes.

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Can I preview the photo gallery page?


Once you have added images to a gallery you  should publish the site so that you can preview the gallery page in your website template.

Yes, you can preview how a gallery page will display at the front of your website before you add it into your main menu.

  1. Upload images and add descriptions. Publish the website. This moves the images to a place on the server that will enable you to preview the gallery page.
  2. Choose Modules > Photo Gallery.
  3. Find the gallery name that you would like to preview. Click the View button next to the gallery name.
  4. You will see the gallery preview within your site template. The preview will open in a new window. You can close the preview window to return to the Site Builder. You can preview a gallery feed display option at any content page before you insert the gallery feed into the page.  See related article Adding a photo gallery feed to a content page.

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