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Insert Module Content

Insert module content in to any content region such as web pages, blogs and product pages

The Insert Module Content feature is a powerful marketing tool that should become part of your regular content management routine. Module-generated content such as image galleries, live user polls, shop products and blogs, can be called in to any content region as a means of further promoting content on that page.

With blog article content you could build magazine-style page layouts dedicated to specific subjects or categories. Blog articles can also be called in to special landing pages or into product pages as a means of further promoting products. Live user polls can be called in to any content region to invite visitors to leave feedback on any subject or product you choose to showcase.

By using the Insert Module Content feature you can position module-generated content on any of the following page types:

  • Blog articles
  • Web pages
  • Products
  • Shop categories

The type of content that can be inserted in to the content types listed above include:

  • Blog articles
  • Image galleries
  • User polls
  • Shop products and categories
  • Email newsletter subscription fields
  • Twitter feed
    • The available functions listed here will depend on the modules activated for your website.


On this page

  1. Introduction
  2. How to Insert Module Content


Screen illustrations

Clicking this icon will display an illustration relevant to the step being described: Click this icon to view illustrations



Tip: Experiment!

Create a new Unattached Page and experiment with different types of content on the page. This allows you to build pages without necessarily sending the pages live for people to see.

The Insert Module Content feature can be accessed from any content region found within blog articles, web pages, products or shop categories. The feature is accessed via the Insert Module Content ‘gold star’ icon located towards the far right of the WYSIWYG toolbar as illustrated here: 

When you click on the Insert Module Content icon, a Modules pop-up window will appear. From this window you can select which form of module content you wish to insert in to a page’s content region.

  • The module content will be inserted on to the page at the precise location of your text cursor prior to you clicking the Insert Module Content gold-star icon.
  • Once module content has been placed on a page, you don’t see the content in its final form. Instead, it is represented by a bounding box with a representing icon at the centre to indicate the type of content present, i.e. blog, galleries, etc. 

How to Insert Module Content

To Insert Module Content in to a page’s content region:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Pages and select a page (or add a new one)
    1. Or navigate to any of the 4 qualified content regions listed at the top of this page.
  2. Position your text cursor on a new line within the content region.
  3. Click the Insert Module Content gold-star icon located towards the far right of the WYSIWYG toolbar 
  4. From the Modules pop-up window, select a module from the drop-down menu list of choices
  5. After a few seconds a list of available choices will be displayed relevant to the module you have chosen.
  6. Click the Preview button to observe how the module content will appear on the page.
  7. When finished configuring the content, click OK.
  8. A bounding box will now appear within the content region of your page. An icon will appear to represent the type of module content
  9. Save the page and Publish the website to affect changes.

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