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Checkout & Payments

Customer Payment Options

Choosing the right type of payment system for your customers is an important consideration. Are your customers within a demographic that prefers instant credit card payment? Or would your customers prefer to make payment via EFT or fax order? Maybe your customers already have a PayPal™ account and would like the option of utilising that account?

The more payment options that you provide to your customers, the less likely it is that customers will “abandon” their shopping cart at checkout.

On this page

  1. Accept Credit Card payments
  2. Other Payment Types (PayPal™)
  3. Manual Payment Types
  4. Credit Card Payment Gateway
  5. Finance Payments


Accept Credit Card payments

Tip: Shop around for the best merchant deal

If you don't yet have an Internet Merchant Account you will need to call your bank to enquire. Different banks have slightly different fees and policies so shop around for the best deal, and don't be afraid to negotiate!

Testing your gateway

Banks often issue a testing I.D so that you and the bank can verify that payments are being made successfully before your website “goes live”. When the testing phase is complete you are issued with a valid Merchant I.D to start processing real payments.

The most preferred payment option for Internet shopping. If you want a customer’s credit card to be charged at checkout you can choose a credit card option here. 

All merchant or 3rd party payment gateways will process credit cards in real-time during the customer’s checkout process. 

Once your online merchant account is approved and set up by your bank, you can enter the bank’s details as follows:

  1. Go to Preferences > Checkout & Payment
  2. From the drop-down menu list, select the credit card Payment Gateway that applies to your bank or:
  • Not Configured: This option will prevent gateway online payments from being accepted (except if PayPal™ is activated, see Other Payment Types ).
  • If you already have an Internet Merchant Account with your bank or merchant provider:
  1. Enter your Merchant ID and password as well as any other information prompted (each gateway is different to the next, asking for additional information).
  2. Click the Save Preferences button.

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Other Payment Types (PayPal™)

To process payment through PayPal™ you must have a PayPal™ account. Once your account is created, enter the account details into this section, including the currency code that you prefer to accept payment in (for example AUD for Australian Dollars).

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Manual Payment Types

Some customers may not be comfortable with entering their credit card details online. We therefore recommend that you provide the following manual payment types for those customers.

Complete the following information to provide customers with as many payment choices as possible:

Go to Preferences > Checkout & Payment navigation tab.

  • Print fax order form: Select this option to allow the customer to print out the order, fill in their credit card details and fax the order to you. The fax number on the order form is generated by the fax number entered into your business information preferences. 
  • Phone for Credit Card details: Select this option to receive an email notifying you that an order has been placed. The notification will also contain a contact number that you can use to call the customer and ask them for their credit card details over the phone.
  • Direct Deposit: Select this option to allow your customers to pay by direct depositing funds into your nominated bank account. Once this option is selected, a box will appear. Enter your nominated bank account details (name, BSB, account number).
  • Cheque/Money Order: Select this option to allow your customers to see the address where they can send their cheque/money order to. Once this option is selected, a box will open. Enter the name that the cheque needs to be made out to as well as a postal address.
  1. Click the Save Preferences button.

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Credit Card Payment Gateway Integrations

Your website CMS has multiple payment gateways built in and ready to go. All you need to do is choose a suitable provider such as Westpac, NAB, ANZ, eWay, etc. The following secure gateways are available to you:

  • Paymate
    This option requires you to set up a Paymate account. You will receive a Paymate Username, which will need to be entered into the admin tool.
  • Authorize Net
    The Authorize.Net payment gateway can help you accept credit card and electronic check payments quickly and affordably.
  • Payway
    PayWay is a simple, secure, internet-based solution to collect and manage customer payments. It supports a wide range of payment channels. No matter the size or type of business, PayWay has payment options that can substantially help you better manage your cash flow.
  • Payflow Payment Gateway
    The PayPal Payflow Gateway is an online payment solution that enables you to accept Visa, MasterCard, Amex or Diners payments online, via mail or telephone, through the internet merchant account (IMA) you hold with your bank.
  • Payment Express
    Payment Express is a Visa and MasterCard certified solution developed by DPS which facilitates electronic payments via internet, EFTPOS, billing, IVR, vending and mail/telephone order card acceptance channels
  • SecurePay
    A subsidiary of Australia Post.
  • WorldPay
    WorldPay provides a globally connected, locally coordinated payment processing service for all sorts of businesses, big and small.
  • eWay
    eWay eCommerce wizards and directories will assist you with setting up your online business. Find a shopping cart, developer or get helpful advice for starting out online.
  • Major Australian and New Zealand Banks
    Gateways are provided for all the majors including (but not limited to) Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, St George, ANZ egate, BNZ, and NAB. Each of these have Internet Merchant Accounts that can be setup with an upfront fee. You will receive a merchant ID that can be entered into our admin tool. You will be charged a small percentage per transaction, and all credit card payments will be processed by them.
  • PGP
    Credit Card details are securely emailed to you to process on your own EFTPOS machine. For this option to you need to purchase a SSL certificate (security certificate) for the website as well as PGP software for your computer that enables you to read the encrypted email that is sent to you from our server with the credit card details. Please note: We do not support PGP technical issues or the initial PGP setup. The version required is PGP Home Desktop.
  • PayPal:
    This requires no upfront fee, but you will pay a percentage per transaction. You will need to set up a Paypal account for this option (your customers don't need to).

Finance Payments

Boost your sales and give your customers the power to buy now & pay later, interest free.

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