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Help Preview & Publish

Preview & Publish

Publishing your website.

On this page

  1. Preview a page before publishing (preview work in progress)
  2. Previewing your website
  3. Publishing your website
  4. Force refreshing your browser


  1. Why can’t I see the changes I have made to my web pages?
  2. How do I find the published version of an unattached page?
  3. What do I do if I published my site accidentally?
  4. I just made changes to the eCommerce section of my site. Do I need to publish the whole website?
  5. Can I have more than one Domain Name?

Screen illustrations

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Preview a Page Before Publishing

As you add new content to a page, sometimes it helps to see how your content will display to your visitors without having to first publish the website to do so.

Although planning your content and page layouts in advance is recommended, it’s still good to know that you can preview how visitors will view your page, at any time.

  1. Go to Pages > Add/Edit Pages
  2. Navigate to the page you wish to edit.
  3. After making necessary edits to your page content, click the Save button at the top right of the Content Editor screen 
  4. Now click the Preview button. A new web browser tab or window will open, previewing your page.
  5. If further edits to the page are required you can leave the preview page open before navigating back to the page’s Content Editor to make additional changes.
  6. Click the Save button after making any further changes.
  7. Either navigate back to the open preview page and click Refresh or click the Preview button from within the Content Editor to be automatically taken to the open preview page (and to view the page refreshed).
  • If you wish to preview a brand new page, first Save & Exit the new page before navigating back into the page’s Content Editor and following from step 3.
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Previewing your website

You can preview the changes you have made to your website before you send them live. This gives you an opportunity to make any edits before your changes are visible to visitors.

  1. Go to Publish
  2. Click the Preview Website 
  3. The CMS will give you a preview of the website files. Check through all of the pages that you have made changes to. Make any edits that are necessary.

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Publishing your website

Tips: Publishing hints

All saved edits to your site will remain saved until they are published. Each page is published, even if it hasn't been edited.

Good websites are updated regularly with current information or news (blogs). This encourages visitors to return and also improves search engine rankings.

You need to publish your website to send all of your saved changes live to the Internet. 

  1. Go to Publish
  2. Click the Publish Website button. The CMS will ‘prepare' all of the pages and then ‘publish' all of the pages 
  3. View the front of your website. Force refresh your browser cache so that you can see the updates.

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Force refreshing your browser

Tip: Force refresh

Force refresh your browser cache by holding down the CTRL + F5 keys (PC).

Each time you surf the Internet your computer stores copies of website files you have visited on your hard drive. It does this to help you browse the Internet faster.

This means that after your website has been published your Internet browser will most likely show you the files that it has previously saved and not the most recent published version. This is called browser caching.

To overcome this, you need to force refresh your browser. This forces your browser to collect the updated files for a web page.

For PC Users:

  1. Open your Internet Browser (such as Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer).
  2. Browse to a page on your website that you have edited.
  3. Hold down the CTRL key and  press F5 on your keyboard.

For Mac users:

  1. Open your Internet Browser (such as Safari, Firefox or Chrome).
  2. Browse to a page on your website that you have edited.
  3. Hold down the Apple Command key and click the Reload button (Mozilla Firefox).

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Why can’t I see the changes I have made to my web pages?

Tip: Pop-up blockers

It is a good idea to make sure that your pop-up blocker is turned off before you begin editing your website.

It is quite common for Site Builder users to publish their website and then not see their changes in the published version. Here are three suggestions to troubleshoot this issue:

1.     Have you published the website?

The last step in editing your site is to publish the site . This process sends all of your changes live to your domain name.

Solution: To publish the site, go to Publish > Publish Website .

2.    Is your browser caching?

Each time you surf the Internet your computer stores copies of website files from web pages you have visited on your hard drive. It does this to help you browse the Internet faster.

This means that after your site has been published, viewing it through your Internet browser will most likely show you the old files that were previously saved and not the most recent published version. This is called browser caching.

Solution: You need to force refresh the browser cache so that it shows you the new (edited) website files.  To do this, browse to a page that you have edited, hold down the CTRL key + F5 (PC) or for Mac users, hold down the Command key while clicking the Reload button (Mozilla Firefox).


3.      Is your pop-up blocker on?

When you publish your site a new browser window displaying your site must open to complete the publish process. If a new window displaying your website does not appear at the end of the publish process, this may indicate that you have a pop-up blocker enabled and will explain why you cannot see any changes to your site.

Solution: Disable the pop-up blocker and try publishing again.

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How do I find the published version of an unattached page?


An alternative to viewing an unattached page by using its address is to use a page from your main menu.  Insert an internal link to an unattached page at the very bottom of your least accessed page. Preview the website.

Use the internal link to preview the unattached page. Make  necessary changes to the page and then send the page live.

Remember the menu label that you entered for your unattached page? That becomes part of the address of the web page.  So to find an unattached page on the Internet you need to type the following address into the browser:

Domain name/page/menu_label.html

Here's an example.  There is an unattached page for content relating to a privacy policy on a website.  The menu label of the page is Privacy Policy. 

To check the published version of the page the following address of the page needs to be typed into an Internet browser:

This is the standard address of an unattached page for all websites.  The address is telling a browser to go to your domain name, find the folder that contains all of your web pages (that folder is called "page") and then find the specific web page document called privacy policy (underscores are used to replace spaces). You must use the file extension .html at the end of the URL or the browser won't be able to find the web page document.

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What do I do if I published my site accidentally?

If you accidentally publish your website remember that most visitors will view a cached version of your site for up to twenty-four hours.  You can re-edit a page and re-publish the site at any time.

If your accidental publish is an emergency because the changes that were made are too numerable to fix quickly and/or a lot of content that was previously on the page has now been deleted, it is essential that you do not publish the site again until you have spoken to a member of the support team.

In some instances it is possible to retrieve an earlier published version of the site. Call the support team to enquire.

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I just made changes to the eCommerce section of my site. Do I need to publish the whole website?

Ecommerce websites often respond to market activity and as such, require quick changes that are effective immediately. For this reason, changes made to any part of My Shop or eCommerce preferences are sent live immediately. You do not need to publish your site after editing product or category information.

Edits made to the design and layout preferences, general settings, content pages or modules need to be published.

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Can I have more than one domain name?

Yes, you can have multiple domain names pointing to the same website. After you have purchased a new domain name, contact the support team to find out how to point it to your website.

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