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Product View Page Design

Customise you product pages

Your product pages should be regarded as the most important pages on your website. The Product View tab provides you with control over each product display element such as Social Media functionality, Cross-Sell product links, Product Image presentation and more.


On this page

  1. Customise your Product Pages
  2. Product Thumbnails: specify the behaviour of a Product's main thumbnail image


  1. Why can't I see the 'Wish List' or 'Star Ratings' elements on my Product Pages?

Screen illustrations

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Customise your Product Pages

Tip: Preview changes

From the Product Preview window provided on each Display Settings page you can view how changes will appear.

Each time you make an adjustment, press the Save Changes button before previewing your changes.

Selecting the checkbox for each of the following settings will toggle on/off the various elements on your product pages.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Design > Product View 
  2. Set each preference as outlined below 
  3. After making changes, press the Save Changes button before previewing those changes in the Product Preview window.
  4. Once you're satisfied with your changes, go to > Publish
  5. Click either the Preview or Publish buttons to make changes take effect.

Display Settings

  • Breadcrumbs: A 'breadcrumb' refers to the URL path that displays at the very top of your shop pages. Online shoppers use breadcrumbs as a reliable form of navigation that allows them to switch back and forth between a product and the product category/s in which it resides. A typical breadcrumb will appear as:
    shop > categoryname > subcategoryname > productname
  • Add to Wishlist: If the Wishlist module has been activated on your website, this option provides an 'add to wishlist' icon similar to the 'add to cart' button.
  • Product Code: Displays the product code assigned to each product from within My Shop.
  • Price: If your shop is in catalogue mode only (i.e. no cart functionality) there may be instances where you don't wish to display prices. If this isn't the case with your shop, ensure that this checkbox is enabled.
  • Availability: From the General Product Information page in My Shop you have the means to show customers whether a product is available or not. Checking this box allows you to display that information.
  • Short Description: When selected, the Short Description provided in the General Product Information page in My Shop will display on your product pages.
  • Google+ Button: Displays Google's + button on all your product pages allowing customers to share the product with their circle of friends or colleagues.
  • Twitter Button: Displays the familiar Twitter 'Tweet' button on all your product pages allowing customers to Tweet about the product with their Twitter followers. 
  • Product Image: Display product thumbnail images.
  • Product Title: Display each product's title.
  • Add to Cart: Provide regular shoppers with the means to add products to their cart without first having to navigate into a product page.
  • Star Reviews: “Product ratings” provided by customers and visitors alike can work towards establishing credibility to your business and your products. When selected, this option displays the familiar "5-Star" rating icons on each product page.
  • Recommended Retail Price: If your shop offers retail prices that are lower than those on offer from competitors (or recommended by a supplier or manufacturer) then choose to display each product's recommended retail price along with the product's sale price. If a recommended price field has not been activated from Preferences, the field will not appear regardless of the setting you choose here.
  • Facebook Like Button: Displays the familiar Facebook 'Like' button on all your product pages allowing customers to share a URL to your product with their Facebook friends.
  • Pinterest Button: Displays the familiar Pinterest button on all your product pages allowing customers to share a URL to your product with their Facebook friends.
  • Random Cross Sell Links: Allows you to toggle on/off product Cross-Sell Links across your entire shop.

Product Thumbnails: specify the behaviour of a Product's main thumbnail image

This section allows you to set the size and cropping behaviour of your main product thumbnail image as it appears on the product page. 

These settings affect the main product image only; any additional images provided for a product will resize automatically beneath the main product image.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Design > Product View
  2. Each time you make an adjustment, press the Save Changes button before previewing your changes in the Category Preview window.
  3. Once you're satisfied with your changes navigate to > Publish
  4. From the Publish page press the Publish button to make changes take effect or the Preview button to first preview changes before sending your website changes live to the Internet.
  • Dimensions: Enter a numerical value in pixels for the preferred image dimensions of width and height. Leaving one field blank will prevent your product thumbnail images from being cropped.
  • Flags: Product Flags help further promote products by placing a visual promotion flag over the product's thumbnail image. For Product Flags to appear, select the appropriate checkboxes. To learn about Product Flags see Chapter 3: Shop Products .

Top of page

Why can't I see the 'Wish List' or 'Star Ratings' elements on my product pages?

Both features are optional and may not have been provided during your website build. If in doubt contact your account manager.

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