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Polls manager

The Power of Interactive Web Content

Interactive content will increase the time that visitors spend on your website. Video is an obvious form of engagement but isn't really a means for visitors to interact with your page content.

User polls are an effective way to engage your visitors with the content on a web page, and can be positioned on any page of your website including web pages, product pages and shop category pages. Polls also provide an air of activity by demonstrating to your visitors that other users engage with your website. Your user polls can ask questions about products, industry activity, market research - anything you choose!

On this page

  1. The Polls Manager
  2. Adding a Poll
  3. Editing / Deleting a Poll
  4. Add Polls to Your Website


  1. How do I view the results of the poll?

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The Polls Manager Module

Tip: Polls can help you research your market

Use polls to help you find out information about your target audience. 

Ask visitors questions that could help your marketing.

The polls manager module enables you to poll your visitors on a topic. You can add a question and up to six answers for visitors to select from. After a visitor submits their answer, the polls manager calculates the statistics of all submitted answers and displays the results for the visitor to see.

Regularly update a poll on your home page to show visitors that your site is exciting and current. Polls also give you the opportunity to involve visitors in potential product or service upgrades. They can provide the closest form of demographic (target audience) research from your website.

Creating a poll requires two steps: creation, then embed on any web or product page.

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Adding a poll

The polls manager module enables you to poll your visitors on a topic. You can add a poll to your website at any time.

  1. Choose Modules > Polls Manager > List All Polls.
  2. Click Add a Poll.
  3. Enter your poll question.
  4. Enter up to six poll answers for your visitors to choose from.
  5. Status: Choose to make your poll immediately available by selecting Active from the drop down box.  If you wish to disable the poll or create a poll before it is required on the site, choose Inactive .
  6. Click the Save button. The poll appears under List All Polls.

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Editing/Deleting a Poll


The beauty of the polls manager is that you can try different ideas until visitors respond well to your poll.

Don't expect your first poll to be voted on by every visitor to your site.  Edit polls when they are not eliciting a huge response from your visitors.

The Polls manager module enables you to poll your visitors on a topic. You can update a poll question and it's answers or delete the poll at any time.

  1. Choose Modules > Polls > List All Polls 
  2. Click the poll question you wish to edit or delete, then click the appropriate button/link next to the poll. If deleting a poll, you can not undo this action.
  3. If editing, make the relevant alterations to the poll. Click the Save button when you are finished.
  4. Publish the website to update any poll feeds on content pages.

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Add Polls to Your Website

Tip: Call to action

Create an introduction to your poll that briefly explains its purpose. The introduction should be a call to action that invites visitors take part.

Once you have created one or more polls, you can display polls on your website in one of two ways:

  • Create a link on your main navigation bar that takes visitors to every active poll
  • Use the Content Editor on any web or product page to embed selected poll/s on those pages.

Create a link on your main navigation bar that takes visitors to a single page featuring every active poll:

  1. Choose Modules > Polls > Add Polls to Site
  2. The default menu name is Polls . Leave as is or create a new menu link name.
  3. Do not alter the URL Link Address in any way.
  4. Select from the drop-down menu list your preferred method of displaying the poll page once a visitor clicks the navigation menu link on your website:  
  • Open link in new window - instruct the visitor’s web browser to open the polls page within a new browser window.
  • Open link in the same window - keep visitors within the same browser window.
  1. Click the Save New Link button when done.

Use the Content Editor on any web or product page to embed selected poll/s on those pages

  1. Go to Dashboard > Pages
  2. Choose a page from the Main Menu or Unattached Pages. The Content Editor for the page will open.
  3. Decide on the page position where you would like the poll to appear. To do this, use your keyboard’s enter key to create a new paragraph line on the page, then click your mouse on the new line to position your flashing mouse curser. Your poll will appear from this paragraph line after completing the following steps...
  4. Click on the Insert Module Content tool’s “gold star icon” located towards the far right on the WYSIWYG Toolbar. The Module Manager pop-up window will appear.
  5. Select Polls from the Current drop-down menu list.
  6. A list of all available polls will appear within the Select a poll drop-down menu list. Select the poll you wish to place on the page.
  7. Click Preview to review the active poll content before it is inserted in to your content region.
  8. Click OK to insert the poll into the page. The poll content will appear within the Content Editor region as an orange rectangle indicating the presence of embedded content 
  9. Publish the website for changes to take effect.

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How do I view the results of the poll?

You can view the poll results by going to the poll feed at the front of your website. Submit a vote and you will see the results of all votes. Your visitors can also see this results page.

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