Client Resources

Online Help

Help FAQs


Here's a list of the most common questions we are asked as people learn to navigate their way around the Dashboard. If you have another question which is not listed, you can search for the relevant help article using the category navigation on the left side of your screen.

Content Editing

  1. How do I create one line of space (rather than two)?
  2. Can I 'undo' changes that I make in the content editor?
  3. How do I remove bullets from my text?
  4. Can I copy and paste from programs other than Microsoft Word?
  5. How do I upload files or documents to my website?
  6. How can I get my headings to look the same across the entire site without worrying about font styles?

Enquiry & Contact Forms

  1. How can I change which email address my website enquiry form goes to?
  2. What is the "Thankyou" page? Can I delete it?


  1. Does the content editor automatically resize images?
  2. I don't have image editing software, do I need to buy some?
  3. Does the CMS overwrite images in the Image Manager when uploading?

Design and Logo

  1. Can I assign different templates to different web pages?
  2. My business has a new logo, can I change my web site's logo?

Publishing the website

  1. Why can’t I see the changes I have made to my web pages ?
  2. How do I find the published version of an unattached page ?
  3. I have just published my site accidentally. Is there any way to revert back to a previous version of the site?
  4. Can I have more than one Domain Name?

Search Engine Optimisation

  1. Why doesn't my site appear in Google or other search engines yet?
  2. How can I add Google Analytics code to my website?

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