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General Preferences

Your Shop’s Back Office

Most aspects of your website and shop can be customised to suit your business. This section explains each preference setting and how to best apply each one.

Payment gateway, shipping and taxes are included within this section. Always exercise care when updating this information because wrongly entered data can affect your shop’s ability to process customer orders.

On this page

  1. General Preferences


  1. Where does the business information appear?

General Preferences

Complete each section according to your business preferences.

  1. Go to Preferences > General Settings

General Shop Preferences

  • My Shop Name:  Enter the name of your shop. This will appear in the title bar of Internet browser windows (such as Internet Explorer and Firefox). For eCommerce packages only, the name will also appear on invoices, packing slips and shop emails.
  • Shop Status:  Select Closed to hide the shop component from your site visitors for a limited time. Visitors to your site will be unable to see the shop. When you are ready to re-activate the shop, select Open and the shop will operate as normal. The default for this option is Open.
  • Store Closed Message:  Enter a message that you would like displayed in your shop template when the shop is closed. For example "Unfortunately our online store is currently closed for routine maintenance, please check back later".
  • Shop Mode:  Your shop can appear in the following two ways:
    • Shopping Cart Mode:  This allows visitors to browse and purchase items from your shop. As they browse they have the option to add products to their shopping cart.
    • Catalogue only Mode:  Visitors may still browse through your shop, but the option to purchase has been removed. As such, your shop now works like an online catalogue.

My Business Information

These are the contact details of your business and will appear on fax order forms and invoices produced by your shop.

  • Default Time Zone:  This option allows you to set the default time zone for your shop. This option is handy if you are selling overseas. Your customers won't expect a one-hour call back if they know it is 3am where you are!

Keywords and Description

Keywords can improve your website's search engine positioning. Default keywords are applied to every page of your website unless you add separate keywords to specific pages (highly recommended).

It is a good idea to use keywords that are relevant to every page on the website.

  • Default Keywords: Separate keywords with a comma and a space.
  • Default Description: Enter a broad description for your website, keeping the description approximately 160 characters in length, including spaces.
  1. Click the Save Preferences button. Publish the website to update all pages using default keywords.

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Where does the business information appear?

The shop/website name that you enter into the first field appears in the title bar of visitors Internet browser. All other details that you enter into the business information fields generally do not appear on your website unless you have an eCommerce website.

eCommerce websites use the business information fields to populate business information details for orders, invoices and packing slips.

  • Your business information details are copied to all invoice and email correspondence sent to your eCommerce customers. 
  • Keep these details current to sustain online credibility and to avoid confusion.

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